It's a 3-step process and it's literally as easy as 1-2-3
1. Clean (septicide)
2. Dissolve (blackhead dissolver)
3. Moisturize (treatment)
I suffer from acne mostly around those days of the month. So I started using Skintactix right there and then. One daily application of steps 1-2-3.
When it was time for my next cycle to come along, I was expecting the normal breakout, I get bad pimples (around 4 or 5) around the forehead and cheeks and the never ending blackheads around my nose but I havent broken out AT ALL =) and my blackheads have visibly dissolved a lot. This made me very happy. But now that the breakouts are gone, should I stop using Skintactix?? I answered my own question - ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
I blog enough about beauty to know that prevention is the key to maintain a healthy beautiful acne free skin and not only on my face but on my entire body. Conveniently, Skintactix also has this body wash. Has a slight herbal/tangy scent but it's not strong nor unpleasant. Lathers very well and washes off easily and smoothly. Does not leave my skin dry as other body washes that leave residue.
Click HERE for Acne tips
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I received this product in exchange for my 100% honest opinion. I only recommend products that I have personally tried and believe them to be good to my readers.
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